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О "Табурит"
Israel Prize laureate, Chairman of the Ethics and Supervision Committee of the Israeli Association for Pediatric Neurology, head of the Medical Ethics Unit, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem

Professor Avraham Steinberg was born in Germany on ninth Elul, 5707 (August 25th, 1947). After graduating 'Merkaz Harav Kook' Yeshiva in Jerusalem, he studied medicine at the Hebrew University and the Hadassah Medical Center Medical School, Jerusalem.
Professor Steinberg was the director of the Schlesinger Institute between 1969 and 1982. During that period he specialized in pediatric medicine at the Shaare Zedek Medical center, Jerusalem, and afterwards in pediatric neurology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Hospital Medical Center in New York.

Between 1985 and 1996 Professor Steinberg served as head of the medical ethics program at the Hebrew University and the Hadassah Medical Center Medical School. He also served as the secretary and as treasurer of the Israeli Association for Pediatrics Neurology.

Among his numerous awards and prizes are: Israel Prize (1999). 'Harav Kook' prize, Tel Aviv - Yafo Municipality (1990). 'Katz' prize, Kneset Israel (1990). The Department of Medicine and Halacha, Chief Rabbinate, Jerusalem (1991). The Einhorn award, Tel Aviv - Yafo Municipality (1995).

Since 1999 Professor Steinberg serves as chairman of the Ethics and Supervision Committee of the Israeli Association for Pediatric Neurology. Since 2003 he also serves as head of the Medical Ethics Unit, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem.

Prof. Steinberg has served as chairman and member of several governmental and public committees and councils, including the committee concerning the dying patient, the national bioethics council and others.

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"Табурит", самый крупный банк пуповинной крови в Израиле, предоставляет услуги по сбору пуповинной крови, сохранению добываемых из неё стволовых клеток и их страхованию. "Табурит" сотрудничает с медицинским центром "Шиба Тель-а-Шомер". Сохранение пуповинной крови в "Табурит" производится в соответствии со строгими международными стандартами. "Табурит" гарантирует высокое качество процесса сбора и сохранения пуповинной крови младенца.